
i like mickey mouse, snoopy, aliens, rainbows & everything passionfruit.
i have braces but i don't bite.

'cause nothing lasts forever and we both know hearts can change
taiwan trip 2007 part 1 ♥ taiwan trip 2007 part 2 ♥ taiwan trip 2008 ♥ taiwan trip 2009 ♥ dubai trip 2010 (day 1-5) ♥ dubai trip 2010 (day 6-9) ♥ dubai trip 2010 (day 10-17) ♥ taiwan trip 2011 ♥ amanda deon fqc karlyn sharon tucky wanqi yuer zhiying

{Sunday, April 19, 2009} 9:04 PM

mum and i went to joey yeung's concert last night. i'm not a fan of her, but since mum has a pair of tickets for free and i didn't want to be home alone with the maid, i decided to just go despite not knowing her songs.

out of all the songs she sang, i only knew three, one by her while the other two were classics by stefanie sun and tanya chua. she's really skinny and unfortunately, flat.
fans: joey! you're so sexy!
her: sexy?! there's nothing for you guys to see!
that was hilarious, but it's a fact anyway. no offence to her fans out there. we left before the encore, fearing that we'll get stuck at the train station (there's another concert going on at kallang, which explained our fear). it's actually a new experience for me; attending a concert without knowing/expecting what songs the singer's gonna sing/perform. i'll rate it 3/5 :)

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