
i like mickey mouse, snoopy, aliens, rainbows & everything passionfruit.
i have braces but i don't bite.

'cause nothing lasts forever and we both know hearts can change
taiwan trip 2007 part 1 ♥ taiwan trip 2007 part 2 ♥ taiwan trip 2008 ♥ taiwan trip 2009 ♥ dubai trip 2010 (day 1-5) ♥ dubai trip 2010 (day 6-9) ♥ dubai trip 2010 (day 10-17) ♥ taiwan trip 2011 ♥ amanda deon fqc karlyn sharon tucky wanqi yuer zhiying

{Thursday, July 7, 2011} 12:48 AM

“It’s only after you’ve lost everything, that you’re free to do anything.” — Tyler Durden

It's true. It's so true.

I know I've been complaining about school since the start but I haven got a place to vent it out except this humble blog of mine.

It's week 9; 3 more weeks to the end of T211. I've no idea how I've come this far considering the fact that this has got to be the toughest trimester ever. Trust myself to believe that it's gonna be better than the previous trimester because I'm doing 1 level 300 module, accompanied by 2 level 200 modules. Level 200 modules are supposedly easier but boy, I'm totally wrong, tsk.

I'm currently trying to work on my 4500-word essay for my elective and I can't stress HOW MUCH I regretted taking this because I've absolutely NO idea what this is about because it has absolutely NO relevance to my double majors.

I've lost so much of my personal and leisure time because of school, which kinda explains the reason for putting up that quote right at the beginning of this post. I'm gonna make sure I enjoy/play enough before I start working.

So friends, date me out after 12 August! And I'm totally looking forward to going to Hong Kong, which I see it as my hometown despite my diluted roots.

But for now, it's back to Microsoft Word, sigh!

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